Community Hall
The old school gym has undergone extensive renovation and is now a modern Community Building (above). It is available for hire to groups in the wider Carlow community. Please contact us for costs and availability. It includes a large hall area (below), a professional kitchen, as well as modern toilet facilities.

The Stables
This is a smaller building and is believed to have been originally built as a stables. It hosts meetings, visiting artists, apple pressing and our Summer Café as well as acting as a base for our regular workers and volunteers. If you would like to use this venue, please contact us for costs and availability.
From the beginning of June to the end of August, we run a very successful café in The Stables, once a week from 10.00 to 12.00 noon. This gives an opportunity to the groups using the garden and to people from the wider community to come together in a relaxed environment to chat and get to know each other socially.

Master Composting Demonstration Site

If you'd like to visit or if your group would like a demonstration, please contact us. For more information on composting, check out the Stop Food Waste initiative.
Pizza Oven