Sunday 12 February 2023

Applications for Growing Area are now open for 2023

Groups must apply by 01 March 2023 using this application form. Please read the guidelines below before submitting your application.

(Note: You don't need to sign into Google to submit this form. If you would prefer to download and email or post this form, please click here.)


Guidelines for An Gairdín Beo Community Garden

The overall vision of An Gairdín Beo is of a space in which diverse people can connect more to nature, to the growing and making of food and to each other.

The ethos is based on an ecological orientation, on valuing diversity, sustainability, organic methods and indigenous species. It recognises that we, as humans, are part of nature too. It is committed to the preservation and protection of the site as a green area for the greatest diversity of life possible.

The garden should be a safe place for the community, children and other gardeners. Please do not bring anything that will compromise the safety of the garden and practice good health and safety principles. 

Ensuring an enjoyable experience for all of the garden community is the primary goal of these guidelines and responsibilities. For this reason please observe the guidelines of the garden and be a good neighbour.

  • An Gairdín Beo follows organic gardening principles throughout the growing area. Use of all chemical herbicides, pesticides and fungicides is prohibited in the growing area.
  • Guide dogs are welcome in the garden but no pets please.
  • Cars are only to be parked in the designated parking area.
  • Volunteers from all the growing groups are requested to be available for garden clean up days.
  • A representative from each gardening group will agree to be a liaison between their group and the garden Growing Group (see end for members).
  • Please familiarise yourself with the bulletin board for a map showing where the growing areas are and who’s using them, as well as information concerning the garden, classes, information, problems and notices. Feel free to post information you have and leave messages for other gardeners there.
  • Please respect others’ growing areas, do not take their food even if it looks overgrown, and please conserve water.
  • Every group must apply each year for a Growing Area by 1st March. Returning gardeners will be given first preference and permitted to keep the same growing area if they wish. The number of growing areas per group may be limited according to demand.
  • To help groups follow An Gairdín Beo’s organic growing principles, it is expected that representatives and/or individuals from each growing group will attend a half day workshop when they are allocated a growing area. This will introduce them to An Gairdín Beo and its values and give advice on following the garden’s guidelines on organic gardening.
  • All gardeners using the garden will agree to attend a free half day workshop about using the compost area and to create an awareness about food waste in general.
  • Groups are responsible for their own allocated raised beds and the immediate area around them.
  • If you are unable to care for your growing area for a time, please ask fellow gardeners or the Growing Group for help with weeding or harvesting.
  • Please aim to visit your growing area once a week and keep a look out for pests and diseases before they take hold.
  • If you decide not to use your plot, please contact the Growing Group so the area may be reassigned to someone on the waiting list. If there is no evidence of activity at your plot by 1st May it may be reassigned by the Growing Group. 
  • Green manures, biodegradable mulch such as compost, leaves, straw and hay are encouraged on the raised beds. Please do not use wood chips as they do not biodegrade easily. If growing potatoes please use an early or blight resistant variety. If growing flowers we recommend the use of pollinator friendly varieties (list available)
  • If you have a surplus of vegetables or fruit, please make all effort to use them or give them away, or contact a member of the Growing Group.
  • All growing areas should be kept free of weeds to limit their spread to other areas.
  • If using the garden tools please clean them and put them away in the designated storage area. Please do not borrow tools for home use.
  • Please take all your rubbish away with you. Empty plant pots and modules can be left in the storage area for general use.
  • Growing area Group name markers must be left in place on your allocated beds to avoid confusion.
  • When leaving the garden please ensure water taps are turned off.
  • At the end of the growing season please leave the beds/area free of weeds and other waste.
  • The garden’s executive committee has the duty of enforcing guidelines and making decisions for the garden.
  • Unresolved issues or disputes between gardeners will be referred to the Growing Group or executive committee.
  • We recommend the use of early potatoes in order to avoid blight.
  • If growing flowers we recommend the use of pollinator friendly varieties (list available).

If you require more information or have any questions, email